Wednesday, 8 June 2016


There are so many people working around you so what makes you exceptional. What is the key skill in you that differs you from the rest?  The skill that make you recognizable! Initiative and creativity of a person makes one to foster and another to degrade. To get recognized, to grab better opportunities and to get a career hike, one has to take initiative. Here are some ways one can take initiative at workplace that will help them grow.

1.       NEVER STAND STILL: Keep moving forward, even though a little. Achieving a position is easier then maintaining the position. One has to work really hard even to maintain a certain position achieved. Stagnancy must be avoided. One must be flexible enough to try new things and to learn more all the time.

2.       DO MORE THAN REQUIRED OF YOU: Every employee has a described role and responsibility. Taking initiative to do more than require of you is a way you can be recognized. Benefit your company with the skill-set you possess even though it isn’t your responsibility.

3.       THINK AS A TEAM MEMBER: When you are on board for a company, never think yourself to be an employee and rather work as a team member. When we work as a team member we have a better chance to interact with the other members and we start thinking of benefiting our company and not just completing our job.

4.       SPEAK AND SHARE YOUR IDEAS: Human mind is very creative. There are many ideas that keep running in our mind. Speak up and share the ideas. Boost your confidence level and trust your own ideas because only when you will trust them people around you will.

5.       CONSIDER EVERY OPPORTUNITY: Never miss an opportunity whether small or big. Opportunities lead you to the way of success. You might not realize now but an opportunity missed can cost you way more than you think.

6.       ALWAYS BE-PREPARED: There is never a perfect time to start. It’s now or never. You have to be prepared all the time. Opportunities don’t knock the door before coming.

Taking initiative at workplace helps you gain recognition not among your seniors but among your own colleagues. Unknowingly you start to benefit the company in a much better way and in return you might get a hike in career. Being proactive helps in constant development of the company and also as an individual.

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