Monday, 30 May 2016


There is a difference between an experienced and a fresher. Experience matters in every field. It teaches you many things. We spend our days talking with experts, reading the latest research, and leading discussions and training sessions worldwide, in all types of organizations. And one thing we’ve learned is that there a few basic practices any employee, even recent graduates, can do to cultivate a fantastic career.  Time and again these practices are shown to accelerate your climb to the top.

Ask more questions – Years of school have already taught you that there are no stupid questions. As you jump into your career, this mantra still rings true. Regardless of how thorough your orientation and information packet are, it’s unlikely your employer will cover all you need to know. You won’t be able to fully understand team dynamics, objectives, and office culture unless you ask for clarification when something is unclear. 

Find a mentor - We recommend that every new hire seeks out a mentor at their organization, but this is especially crucial for recent grads. Whether it’s a senior leader in your department or even your funny coworker one cubicle over, you’ll find your professional world expands vastly once you find a great mentor. But, be mindful of your choice—negative people, will hinder your growth, while positive and supportive people will boost you. Not only will your mentor be the perfect sounding board for your questions, but they will also introduce you to new contacts, expand your business understanding, and impart their knowledge and skills. Many of the greatest entrepreneurs and leaders credit their success to a fantastic mentor who shared their insights. One day, you may too.

Work smarter - Conventional workplace advice tells you to be the first to arrive and the last to leave at your new job to demonstrate to the team that you’re dedicated from day one. But we’ve written about conventional advice and why it's often wrong. So instead of working harder, aim to work smarter. 

Get in the thick of the action- The majority of award-winning work happens when people step out into the world where their work is utilized. So if you want to take your next project from good to great, follow this simple piece of advice: go see for yourself. Witness how your product, process, or solution is used—and by whom. Discover its ease of operation, benefits, and possible shortcomings.

Communicate clearly - In work as in life, most misunderstandings can be avoided by better communication. Learn to communicate clearly and concisely—whether you’re writing a department-wide email or leading a small meeting. Ask close friends or family members for feedback on how you can improve at your communication skills before you arrive in the office and take their words to heart. 

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