Monday, 16 May 2016


“Opportunities do not always come knocking your door, sometimes you have to break the door and grab one!”

We end up in a state either good or bad because of the decisions we make. Opportunities are there all around us covering us like the layer ozone covering the earth but how well we grab the opportunity becomes the reason for every outcome. We make good decisions and bad decisions. The problem is not making bad decisions because mistakes are the best teacher if one tries to learn from them, the problem is, whenever we face a setback in our lives, we put a barrier to our growth. Setbacks are a part and parcel of life and the true winner is the one who can deal with it and move on.

Nobody has achieved something big without facing adverse situations. If a name is large, larger will be the  often forget to read under the lines and just see what is Bold and looks beautiful. No one sees the struggle behind a person who becomes successful. The misery, the hardship, the dedication, the never say die spirit and the quest for learning makes a person successful. Talking about the great investor the world has ever seen, Warren Buffet, who was claimed the wealthiest man in 2008 has his own story. Apart from a businessman, he is also a philanthropist who donated his one third of total income in order to make the world a better place to live in.

Warren Buffet, at a very young age involved himself into small business models and by the time he completed his post-graduation, he already earned $10000 from the small business models he worked upon. Later this man started investing in shares o different companies among which was Berkshire Hathaway and today he is the CEO and largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway. There are many different fields he is working in like food products, oil etc.

Warren Buffet is a true inspiration for every person who wishes to be n entrepreneur. He established his own empire from the ground to the height he is right now. The whole reason of quoting Warren Buffet is to clear my point that procrastinating or delaying things can never make you big. If you really have that thing in you and if you really want to achieve something really worth noticing you have to give in every ounce of your time, hard work and dedication. Things might take time to turn but it will if you believe it will.

COMzen Technologies is a successfully running startup and wishes to expand more and more. The true inspiration behind this company is the will to achieve something worthwhile. Every employee here has a share in the success story of COMzen Technologies because without team work nothing can be achieved.

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