Wednesday, 1 June 2016


“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way!” – John C. Maxwell

With the role come the responsibilities. The major your role becomes, the more you’re accountable for. The same comes with the tag leader. No matter how good you have done, one mistake or failing to fulfill one responsibility, you’re done! We just talk about the charisma, the leverages and the popularity of a leader no wonder at how small level but we fail to recognize the never ending struggle of an individual to achieve and maintain the tag of a leader.

A leader has many challenges to be fulfilled and among them the most important and difficult one is to instill confidence in the people. One can teach you to be confident, but cannot spoon-feed you. So what is the secret behind leaders instilling confidence among people? What a leader do, the followers follow due to which it becomes essential for every leader to cover the deep down insecurities and portray the bold and kind face. Telling people that they are worth something, inspiring them, appreciating their work and motivating them from time to time help them to feel good about themselves which indirectly fills them with confidence and a better motivation to work through a difficult situation.

One might think that a leader never criticizes but it is not true. No one is perfect and if a leader is not correcting the followers, he cannot be termed as a leader. Although the way they correct is very different from a person who pertains a superiority complex. A leader will always take help of constructive criticism while dealing with mistakes of people. They will never use a bitter language and will always be open to help the people working with them.

A leader has many roles. A leader speaks for all so he or she has to make sure that none of the followers are offended or left out. Another thing is to see that the work pattern being followed is right or not. A leader is accountable for everything. If something good happens, he or she has to answer. If something bad happens, he or she has to take the responsibility. It seems easy to become leader but when the question arises about the responsibility that comes tagging along; one can feel the contribution of a leader to its team or to a company. A leader is someone that can see in you the potential that other’s can’t.

In the words of Dwight D. Eisenhower  - “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. 

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